Minimally Invasive Surgical Technique
Minimally invasive surgery is accomplished through small portals (incisions that are approximately 5-20mm long) using cameras that can look inside the body cavity and instruments that can be inserted through the portals. Studies have shown that dogs have less post operative pain following minimally invasive surgery when compared to traditional surgery. Consequently, many of these procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis, which is beneficial to patients easily stressed in a hospital environment. Although not all surgeries can be performed in this manner, Bigfork Animal Hospital is currently performing minimally invasive surgeries using state-of-the-art portals that allow multiple instruments to be inserted through a single 2 cm portal, thereby increasing the number of surgeries that can be performed using these techniques.
The following is a list of procedures that can be performed using minimally invasive surgery:
Prophylactic Gastropexy: Large and giant breed dogs with deep chests, such as Great Danes, Weimerieners, and Irish Wolfhounds are predisposed to developing gastric dilation and torsion (GDV) or "bloat". GDV is a life threatening condition tht requires emergency surgery, and even with surgery can result in death. Prophylactic gastropexy is a surgery aimed at preventing GDV from occurring by tacking the stomach to the body wall. This is accomplished using minimally invasive techniques (one or two small incisions and the assistance of cameras that look inside the abdominal cavity) and can be performed at the time of spay or neuter. We recommend this procedure for any large or giant breed dog that may be at risk, particularly those dogs that have a history of "food bloating" and/or have a relative that has had GDV.
Laparoscopic-Assisted Cystotomy is a procedure for removing bladder stones that allows access to and viewing of the inside of the bladder through a single 20 mm incision. This procedure allows for flushing of the bladder and improves our ability to completely remove all bladder stones present in the bladder and urethra.
Courtesy of The Small Animal Hospital College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Florida |